4 traits for success

Seems like there are common themes to my conversations of late. I have had no less than five instances where other professionals have failed to do what they said they would. So, I’ve done what anyone else would do. I’ve told others about the situation, and recommended they not do business with those folks.

Now, keep in mind I am not crucifying the offender for a first offense. That would be unfair, as no one is perfect.

But it got me thinking about what it takes to succeed in business. So, I asked some of my peers their thoughts if they have experienced the same issues. And through all the frustration, one phrase kept coming up…

Show up!

Here are four traits that involve showing up.

– Time management

Be on time. In fact, I recommend being early. Better safe than sorry.

– Attention to detail

Don’t miss the little stuff. I once read that David Lee Roth, lead singer for Van Halen, always wrote into his performance contracts that a bowl full of M&Ms, void of red ones, had to be on hand back stage at all times. He figured if they missed this, what else are they missing. While a little extreme, the point carries weight.

– Integrity

Plain and simple, do what you say you will. You can’t earn a reputation on what you are going to do, only what you do.

– Hard worker

Always be willing to do what others are not. Never lose on effort.

Can you put a check mark by each of these? Every day? Then success is bound to come sooner than later.

P.S. What did I miss?

Building relationships, connecting resources, growing businesses


To Our Members:

It is with regret I am writing to inform you that as of August 1st, 2012 GoGrabLunch.com will be ceasing operations. While the site itself will no longer function, we are planning to leave the Facebook page (facebook.com/gograblunch) open as an alternative. Members can continue to connect with one another and even plan lunches through the group page by posting dates, times, locations, and the type of professionals they are looking to meet.

As often happens in a startup, our founding team is at a stage where other opportunities are calling that will hinder our ability to properly serve the site, and therefore our members.

The past year and a half has been a mixture of excitement and challenge. We have been privileged to be able to serve members in over 45 countries and have had the honor of partnering with some wonderful business partners.

I am most proud of the relationships that we have helped create for our members and the increased awareness of the value business networking can bring to your business.

More than a few members have taken the time to personally thank me for the positive impact our site had on their business. In the end, that was our goal.

I want to thank my founding partners for joining me in this adventure. Lastly, I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for your support and I hope that we can connect again someday.

Jonathan Mills Patrick

Are you entwined?

Would you agree with me if I said that the success of your business is dependent on the success of other companies you have relationships with?

My wife and I own a vertical gardening system where we are growing cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce off our back patio. The other day while picking some of the cucumbers I noticed that the vine had begun digging into our home’s siding. Another vine had wrapped itself around the power cord to the pump that supplies regular watering.

These vines were seeking support and willingly entwining themselves with whatever resources they could find.

It should be no different in business. Your business relationships should be so strong and interlocking that the success of your companies move in kind. Your vines should be able to support one another.

Many entrepreneurs go into business for themselves. What they don’t realize is that, while working for themselves, they are not in business by themselves.

Feed your network!

You aren’t networking here

Familiarity can breed laziness when it comes to relationships. Whether at home or in the business world. While it is natural to “let down your guard” the more you are around a certain group of people, it can also be dangerous to your career. Complacency is a thief in the night.

While I have little doubt you understand the value that networking with other professionals can bring to your career, I wonder if you see the goldmine that is sitting right under your nose. Or desk for that matter.

How often are you using your networking skills inside your company?

One thing I have learned is that regardless of the size of an organization, there is always some level of political climate to navigate. You should be building deepened relationships with your subordinates, peers, and superiors for a variety of reasons. Establishing political capital with the right people enables you to “get things down” in a more timely and efficient manner.

Let’s be clear though. I am not talking about “brown nosing” your way to the top. I am suggesting that you further relationships by being genuinely interested in others and finding ways you can make their lives easier.

You’ll be surprised how much more enjoyable the work environment becomes, and the things you can accomplish.

Feed your network!

The true moment of independence

First, let me wish each and every one of you a Happy 4th of July. I encourage you to take a moment and send out a prayer to the past, present, and future service men and women that protect our freedom each and every day.

I wanted to take just a moment to talk about the idea of independence.

For me when I think about the United States gaining it’s freedom from Britain, I tend to think about the Revolutionary War and the battles that were fought. My thoughts don’t tend to drift back to the statement of freedom that was made and that started the war via the Declaration of Independence.

True independence was realized at that moment. Not after the war was won.

How can I say that? Because, making the decision to declare the country’s separation from Britain had to have been the hardest part. Once notice was served there was no going back.

So, let’s tie this back to entrepreneurship for a moment.

Your independence as a business owner doesn’t begin with your first self employed check. It doesn’t begin with your first paying customer. It begins with your declaration that you will no longer be an employee.

The struggle I see so many entrepreneurs deal with is having the attitude of “no turning back”. Too many times we (and I am including myself here) start down the path of launching a new venture, only to turn back when things get tough. Couple this attitude with lack of proper planning and execution and you have a recipe for disaster.

What will you do today to proclaim your independence? What steps will you put in place to ensure you are on the right path? A path of no return.

Feed your network and indepedence!